down to sleep, work inspired by the bed.
down to sleep, is the first New England exhibit curated by Joetta Maue, in this exhibit we will showcase fiber and fiber related works that have to do with the bed. Joetta has been fascinated by the bed in her own work and critical writing for a number of years and is excited to explore this liminal space while simultaneously introducing the New England area to her unique curatorial style and the incredible quality of contemporary fiber work that is being made today.
Work can directly or indirectly reference the bed in any way; the actual bed itself, the experience of the bed, the acts that occur within the bed, the emotional space of the bed, sleep, and/or the bedroom itself. Please interpret openly.
Please note we are looking for contemporary interpretations of fiber and textiles. Other mediums that are representations of or castings of fiber are welcome and invited. Installation work is welcomed. Video is accepted, artist must provide equipment.

Chester F. Sidell Gallery at the Essex Art Center is a large and beautiful exhibition space with high wood beamed ceilings, 2 large street windows, a smaller intimate space, a large open gallery and was recently voted the BEST art gallery in Merrimack Valley.
The Essex Art Center is a renowned exhibition, teaching and studio space north of Boston.
Exhibition dates: March 1 - April 12, 2013
Opening event: March 1, 2013 5-7pm
DEADLINE December 1, 2012
Submission Details:Eligibility
- All artists over 18 are eligible.
- Work can utilize any medium but must strongly reference fiber or fiber techniques.
- Work must be original.
- Work must be created after 2006
DEADLINE: December 1, 2012
Submit by email
Email all submissions to: joettamaue (at) gmail {dot} com
Mail submissions to
Attention: Joetta Maue
785 Somerville Ave, #3
Somerville, MA 02143
- Entries must be emailed by December 1, 2012.
- $25 entry fee
- Submit up to 5 works- a maximum of 1 detail image per work.
- Images must be correctly sized-300 dpi, Largest dimension 8 inches MAX, jpeg only. Either email as jpeg attachments or via DropBox. DO NOT SEND MULTIPLE EMAILS WITH IMAGES. You can size down the images so that they can fit into one email.
- Artist statement- 300 words or less. (optional)
- All work details including title, dimensions, technique, materials, & date.
- Name:
Email address:
Website or blog url:
- Pay submission fee ($25) by personal check or money order (made to curator Joetta Maue) or via the paypal button below.
About the Curator:

oetta Maue is a full-time artist, curator, critic, and arts writer mostly working in fibers. Joetta has curated 5 large fiber exhibitions in the NY area and regularly writes about fiber work on her own blog,
Little Yellow Bird, the Textile Arts Center
Blog, and
Mr. X Stitch. She exhibits her work widely across the country and internationally. Her work has been featured in the books
Indie Craft & Push Stichery, and the journals
Martha Stewart Living, Fiber Art Now, Needle Magazine & many more. You can see her critical writing in the
Surface Design Journal.
Joetta is excited to be curating her first exhibit in the New England area.
You can see images and features from her most recent curatorial exhibitions
To see Joetta's work her website
Further Details:
-Press Release and promotion will be extensive in the Boston and NY area
-Work will be professionally installed and exhibited.
-The artist is responsible for all shipping costs.
-Any works sold will have a 15% commission taken.
-Selected artist will be featured in Little Yellow Bird.
-Artwork is insured during the duration of the exhibit.
Deadline for receipt is December 1, 2012.