For those of you that could not make it- you missed out!!! The artist talk was wonderful. We had a great turn out and a very intriguing group of artists there.
Interestingly all but one of the artists came to working in fibers through a more traditional "art" medium. Quite a few of them through painting which was evident in their work, and a ceramicist, printmaker, and 2 sculptors. It was fascinating to hear about all their paths to the medium of fiber and how their backgrounds affect their approaches to their work.
Some running themes was how most of the artists really enjoyed and were nourished by the meditative process of working in fiber. A few even used the word prayerful and I thought it was quite accurate as a description.
In addition a majority of the artists were raised in the Midwest and talked a lot about the labor and work ethic that is part of Midwestern culture. I myself am a born and bred Midwesterner and have always felt that this affects the choices I make as an artist working in fiber and embroidery so it was fun to hear others talk about their connection to this.

I loved hearing Meredith Grimsley talk about how her pregnancy affected her work and identity as a women and artist. She quoted the bible, psalms 139 about pregnancy saying:
- You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb.
- ...
- my bones were not hidden from you, When I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth.

I also in general loved hearing Janice Jakielski as she was a very fun spirited artist - her talk let me understand some of her choices in her work much better. Specifically realizing that in in a way all of her works are self portraits.

And John Paul Morabito's talk enlightened me on his motivation and experience as an artist through his work and the control involved in it.
Their will be pictures to share soon and as I recorded a part of each artists talk you will get a chance to hear some of it soon.
Something to look forward to.