Call for Art
Play- fun or jest...
a game? a toy? a bully? a tease? a hair pull? a game of tag? a snowball fight? a kick and pinch?
Play is an experience we all know one that can bring us laughter and perhaps at times bring us tears.
In the 2011 spring exhibit, Play, at the Textile Arts Center we want to explore play and all of its multi-faceted sides and experiences. We ask artists who work in fibers or fiber techniques to submit works that deal with the idea of play. Feel free to interpret this theme widely. All types of work are welcome for submission from performance, video, wall work, sculpture, conceptual work, to interactive. Please note we are looking for contemporary interpretations of fiber and textiles.
Exhibition dates:
May 6-June 24, 2011- Subject to change.
Opening Night: TBD
Artist Talk will be scheduled in June.
The Textile Arts Center is a gorgeous street level space located in the heart Brooklyn, NY. The center provides an environment for the professional, the artist, and the student. With an invested interest in the conservation of hand weaving and other fiber arts, the Center offers a fully equipped studio, gallery space, and emerging fiber artist studio residency program.

The space has high ceilings, large rounded street level windows, and 4 cement columns in the center of the space. Please feel free to submit ideas specifically for these architectural elements. Feel free to stop by the space to see it before writing site specific proposals.
The Textile Arts Center is located at 505 Carroll Street in Brooklyn between 2nd and 3rd Avenue.
Submission Details:
- All artists over 18 are eligible.
- Work can utilize any medium but must primarily use fiber or fiber techniques.
- Large scale, installation, site specific, video, silk screen, and performance work is welcome.
- Work must be original.- small editions are acceptable
- Work must be created after 2005
DEADLINE: March 20, 2011
Submit by mail or email (email strongly preferred)Email all submissions to: joettamaue (at) gmail {dot} com
Mail submissions to
Attention: Joetta Maue
485 Hicks Street #4
Brooklyn, NY 11231
- Entries must be postmarked or emailed by March 20, 2011.
- $30 entry fee- 5 works per entry- a maximum of 1 detail per work.
- Images must be correctly sized-300 dpi, Largest dimension 8 inches MAX, jpeg only. Either email as jpeg attachments or mail on cd. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ZIPPED FILES.
- Artist statement- 300 words or less. (optional)
- All work details including title, dimensions, technique, materials, & date.
- Name:
Email address:
Website or blog url: - Pay submission fee ($30) by personal check or money order (made to curator Joetta Maue) or via the paypal button below.

Joetta Maue is a full-time artist, curator, and arts writer mostly working in fibers, based in Brooklyn, NY. Joetta has curated 3 large fiber exhibitions in the NY area in the past year and regularly writes about fiber work on her own blog, Little Yellow Bird, the Textile Arts Center Blog, and Mr. X Stitch. She exhibits her work widely across the country and internationally. Her work was recently featured in the book Indie Craft and will be featured in a forthcoming contemporary embroidery book expected in Fall 2011 as well as a number of exhibitions.
This is the 7th exhibition curated by Joetta. You can see images and features from her most recent curatorial exhibitions here.
To see Joetta's work her website
Further Details:
-Exhibition cards will be made and distributed.
-Press Release and promotion will be extensive in the NYC area
-Work will be professionally installed and exhibited.
-The artist is responsible for all shipping costs.
-Any works sold will have a 30% commission taken.
-Each selected artist will be featured in Little Yellow Bird.
Deadline for receipt is March 20th, 2011.